Instruction for authors
Checklist for preparing a proposal:
During the procedure for submitting a proposal, authors must verify compliance with the following requirements; submission may be declined if you do not comply with these requests.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor proposed to another journal (or you provide an explanation to the editor in the comments).
- The submission file is in an OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
- Reference URLs have been provided where possible.
- Text has single spacing; use a 12-point font; use italics instead of underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at their proper places, rather than at the end.
- The text must include Author info, summary (ita)/abstract (eng), keywords (ita-eng)
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the author's guidelines, which can be found on the journal information page.
The Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine (IJPDTM) is a scientific journal that publishes original articles, reviews, notes, editorials and letters focusing on prevention, diagnosis, cure and research in the medical field. IJPDTM journal is designed for health professionals.
Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. To ensure a larger distribution all articles are in Italian and, preferably, English. The abstract must be in both languages.
All manuscripts must be submitted via e-mail to and a committee of scientific reviewers will assess the contributions for suitability with corrections where required.
Authors will be informed on the opinion of the reviewers.
IJPDTM Journal does not reflect authors’ opinions.
Articles must be submitted in Microsoft Word for Windows, Times New Roman font 12-point type, paragraph spacing 1.5 and margin 2.5 on both sides.
Articles are expected to be between 6,000 and 15,000 characters –without spaces- not including title, authors’ names, affiliations and bibliography. All pages must be progressively numbered and show the name of the first author and the first words of the title of the article; same procedure must be applied to tables and pictures.
Abstract, in English and Italian, must be arranged as follows: Introduzione/Background, Obiettivi/Objectives, Metodi/Methods, Risultati/Results, Discussioni/ Discussions, and Conclusioni/Conclusions. Total length of the abstract for each language should be between 1,000 and 2,000 characters, without spaces.
The first page of the article must report the title, surname and name initials of the author(s), the institute (each) author is affiliated to, details of the sponsor(s), if any, who provided financial support for the research, and full address of the author(s). In the same page at least three key words in Italian and English must be included.
Tables should be separate from the text and progressively numbered in Arabic numerals; explanatory notes must accompany each table with all necessary information. Tables in the text must be labeled without abbreviations (e.g.: Table 1 – Tabella 1) and must be saved in Word for Windows format to allow for editing where necessary. Tables cannot be saved as images.
Pictures must be progressively numbered in Arabic numerals; legends must be separate from pictures. Photographs, sketches and graphs must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi, format JPEG, TIFF.
Articles must be arranged with the following headings: Introduzione/Background, Obiettivi/Objectives, Metodi/ Methods, Risultati/Results, Discussioni/Discussions, Conclusioni/Conclusions, Riassunto/Abstract, Bibliografia/ Bibliography.
When describing well-known methods it will suffice to name the original sources. When reporting results, data already included in tables and pictures should be omitted.
Scientific contributions describing clinical cases of particular interest shall be divided in the following sections: Introduzione/ Background, Caso (casistica) clinico/Clinical case, Discussioni/ Discussions, Conclusioni/Conclusions, Riassunto/Abstract, Bibliografia/Bibliography.
Texts must have a length of 3,000 to 4,000 characters without spaces, not inclusive of title, authors, affiliations and bibliography.
A cover page should be sent via e-mail to scientifico@simedet. eu. In this letter the author responsible for the submission of a manuscript declares that all coauthors have read and agreed on the content and version of the submitted manuscript. A signed declaration of the author responsible will also be included in the letter, reporting existing financial interests that may be in conflict with the content of the manuscript.
Authors will be the sole responsible for the corrected and complete list of citations in the submitted manuscripts. Citations must be in progressive numerical order. Bibliographical references in the manuscript must be numbered by Arabic numerals -in parentheses- in the order in which the corresponding citation appears.
When the number of authors in a citation exceeds four, the first three will be reported, followed by et al; in case the number equals or is less than four, all names must be cited. Page numbering cannot be abbreviated. The name of the journal must be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus guidelines.
A conflict of interest arises whenever the professional opinion on the interpretation of a research could be biased, albeit unconsciously, by secondary interests such as financial or personal reasons. A declaration of interest must be publicly disclosed and it will not determine or influence the final decision on the publication of the work. In accordance with the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (October 2008), authors of manuscripts submitted for publication to the Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine (IJPDTM) are required to disclose any competing interests in the cover page (including employment, consultancies, stock ownership, patent registrations, grants etc.) that might affect the interpretation of the content of the author’s work. If there are no interests to declare, then please state ‘Declaration of interest: none’.
The author responsible for a contribution that has been accepted for publication will receive proofs of the manuscript to check for possible corrections. Substantial changes on the proofs are not permitted. Proofreading is solely the author’s duty and will release the Editor from any responsibility.
The responsibility of the statements contained in the articles lies with the individual authors.
With regard to reproduction rights, SIMEDET declares itself available to regulate any charges relating to the images of which it was not possible to find the source.
Names and addresses that appear on this site will be treated exclusively for the purposes indicated in this journal and will not be utilized for any other intention.