The knowledge on blsd maneuvers of university students descriptive observational study
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Introduction: Early defibrillation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation are the most effective actions for the treatment of cardiac arrest, one of the most widespread health problems in Europe. Although the prevalence of public access defibrillation stations has increased over the years, their use by the population is still rather limited, with a possible negative impact on the survival of cardiac arrest victims.
Objective: Investigate the knowledge related to CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and the use of AED (External Automatic Defibrillator) of students at the University of Padua in order to identify the main barriers that hinder the implementation of resuscitation maneuvers.
Methods: Descriptive observational study. An online questionnaire was administered to 40 university groups, both health and non-health degree courses, through the use of a social platform. The questionnaire consists of 21 questions, each one aimed at testing the knowledge related to the first aid. The sample analyzed is composed of 390 students.
Results: The main obstacles to the execution of resuscitation manoeuvres were the fear of causing harm to the victim, inadequate location and poor visibility of PAD (Public Access Defibrillation) stations, lack of training and fear of legal repercussions.
Discussion: The level of knowledge related to first aid has proved to be better among students enrolled in health degree courses, who have also shown a greater willingness to perform resuscitation manoeuvres if necessary. Nevertheless, the main obstacles to first aid were indicated equally by all students and are reflected in the results of the literature.
Conclusion: First aid training and education must be developed and encouraged in order to make the population more aware and sensitive to first aid, together with an even more widespread and careful dissemination of public access defibrillators. Further studies with a larger sample are needed in order to extend the results to the general population.
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