The Emergency the point of aviation view

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Antonio Chialastri
Francesca Nardelli


By its nature, the emergency has an impromptu component, representing a serious and unexpected event; not surprisingly, the radio call "Mayday" repeated three times (from the French "venez m’aider"), which in aeronautics uniquely identifies this state, is our emergency call.

An emergency can have different origins: technical, human, environmental.

An emergency is defined as a particular condition of things, a critical moment, which requires immediate action, as it is potentially capable of causing serious damage, extended to things or people.

As pilots we are faced with an emergency with the tools we have available, including training, technology and group resources.

The concept of anticipation of the event is an integral part of the aeronautical culture; wanting to break down the emergency in a more articulated way, we have a before, a during and an after conceptualized by the avoid, detect, mitigate (avoid, recognize, mitigate) phases.


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How to Cite
Chialastri, A. and Nardelli, F. 2020. The Emergency the point of aviation view. Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine. 3, 4 (Sep. 2020), 36-42. DOI:


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