Challenges and actions for the eradication of measles in Italy state of art
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Introduction: measles is a typical exanthematic paediatric infection, generally with a benign course but which can develop into severe forms and even lead to death. The treatment is only symptomatic. However, prevention is possible through the administering of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MPR) vaccine, which avoids the development of delayed complication such as Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE).
Objective: the study aim was to summarize the main concepts related to measles and to report the most updated data for both vaccination coverage and cases recorded in the measles epidemic occurred in Italy, in 2017, and still ongoing.
Methods: the research was carried out using the "snowball" technique by consulting data available on the portal of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), the ministerial and international agency documents such as the World Health Organization ( WHO), as well as relevant scientific articles indexed in PubMed.
Results: the measles virus is transmitted by aerosol and has a high contagiousness. However, it has all the features to be eradicated through immunization. Due to the low vaccination coverage and the consequent epidemic, in Italy, in 2017, law 119 came into force, which included the MPR vaccination among the compulsory ones, immediately allowing an increase of + 4.4% in the covers.
Discussions: the Wakefield affair of 1998 has contributed to the spread of a strong feeling of mistrust towards the vaccination practice, compromising the achievement of the eradication aim. Even though measles eradication is an ambitious goal, it is essential to directly involved school system and workers, and to use effective vaccination strategies.
Conclusions: Italy is currently the second country in Europe with the highest measles incidence. A greater sensibility of politics, institutions, and the general population is crucial in order to achieve the goal of eliminating measles.
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