Thromboembolic risk in medical patient an extensive review and future perspectives

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Manuel Monti
Giovanni Maria Vincentelli
Igino Fusco Moffa
Paolo Diego L’Angiocola


Introduction: Several patients affected by acute medical illnesses such as congestive heart failure, respiratory diseases, infective or inflammatory diseases, show a concrete, potential, venous thromboembolic risk.

Methods: Many studies have proven relevant reduction of fatal pulmonary embolism due to improved medical practice aimed to provide proper thromboembolic prophylactic therapy.

Results: Despite scientific efforts in clinical prevention, influence of some patients demographic variables are often underestimated (i.e. older age..) and real burden of absolute venous thromboembolic risk and  thromboprophylactic efficacy remains unclear. Moreover, establishment and development of Emergency and Acute Care Departments select a patients population that shows more complex features and comorbidities when compared to classical Medicine wards patients, thus making harder the exact choice regarding when and how to administer thromboembolic prophylactic therapy.

Conclusion: The simultaneous assessment of the thrombotic and haemorrhagic risk is the key for an adequate safe prophylaxis, a higher appropriateness of antithrombotic prophylaxis. Thus it is routinely recommended to use proper tools of VTE risk evaluation  in order to set the best risk/benefit therapeutic strategy in medically ill patients.


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How to Cite
Monti, M., Vincentelli, G.M., Fusco Moffa, I. and L’Angiocola, P.D. 2019. Thromboembolic risk in medical patient: an extensive review and future perspectives. Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine. 2, 4 (Dec. 2019), 26-31. DOI:


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