The mind and the machines “...what happened to HAL 9000?”
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Alan M. Touring, the well-know British mathematician, in the early 1950s, posed the problem of computers intelligence, and if they could, beyond programmed applications of calculation, have an emotional-affective inner life. The response was operational, based on the linguistic behavior of
the machine: if the judge can’t tell the difference, based on a blind interaction, who is man and who is machine, the machine is as intelligent as man; if
the machine refers to a question feelings, thoughts and emotions, because it was so programmed, the machine has an inner life like man.
While considering the progressive improvement of hardware and software,and while acknoweldging the brilliance of the argument, the authors expres
Machine learning, or artificial intelligence, the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, is now realized in numerous applications, from robots
to chatbots, in daily life, and in medicine.
Particular attention is given to applications in clinical psychology and psychiatry.
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