The Nursing degree students' perceptions of internship learning a retrospective observational investigation

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Mariangela Vacca
Giuseppe Zingaro
Shellsyn Giraldo
Maria Rita Pinna
Maria Valeria Massidda
Roberta Rosmarino
Maria Orsola Pisu
Cesar Ivan Aviles Gonzalez
Isabel Castañeda
Nini Johana Bustos


Clinical learning plays a significant role in the professional training within the nursing education. Indeed, it represents the moment in which students can apply clinical reasoning and develop the knowledge acquired during theoretical lessons. During last years, the universities and degree courses in nursing have adopted clinical learning environment assessment tools that investigate students’ perceptions, with the aim of assessing the quality perceived by them in clinical learning environments.


The aim of this study was to explore nursing students’ perceptions on their clinical learning experience during the academic year of 2019/2020 in the Degree Course in Nursing at University of Cagliari.


A retrospective observational study was conducted by involving 178 nursing students of the second and third year, who completed 438 CLEQI “Clinical Learning Quality Evaluation Index” questionnaires at the end of each of their learning experiences.

The sample was stratified into two groups, dividing the learning experiences in the intensive area, which included departments such as the Intensive Care Units and Emergency Departmets, and in the non-intensive area.


Students generally expressed higher scores in the first two dimensions of the CLEQI questionnaire (“Quality of the tutorial strategies” and “Learning opportunities”). In the comparison of the stratified sample, the learning experiences carried out in the intensive area had a higher average of scores than the learning experiences in the non-intensive area, especially in the first two dimensions of the CLEQI questionnaire where the average of the scores was found to be with a statistically significant difference.


Nursing students perceive the clinical learning environment as a quality educational context, especially in the setting of tutorial strategies and learning opportunities.

The learning environment in the intensive area was found to be more appreciated by students, especially in terms of safety and the possibility of autonomy in practical activities.


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Vacca, M., Zingaro, G., Giraldo, S., Pinna, M.R., Massidda, M.V., Rosmarino, R., Pisu, M.O., Gonzalez, C.I.A., Castañeda, I. and Bustos, N.J. 2024. The Nursing degree students’ perceptions of internship learning: a retrospective observational investigation. Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine. 7, 2 (Jun. 2024), 95-111. DOI:


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