Improving patient care for psychiatric disorders in the territory of usl umbria 1

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Manuel Monti
Ilaria Vescarelli
Luca Pennacchi


Disorders related to mental illnesses and addictions are increasingly important in the healthcare budgets of all countries, due to their high frequency and the social and economic costs resulting from the high degree of disability of affected individuals.

The article proposes an integrated approach to address the challenges in managing patients with psychiatric disorders within the USL Umbria 1. Drawing upon the WHO’s definition of mental health and data concerning the incidence and social costs of psychiatric disorders, the article highlights the need for targeted and multidisciplinary intervention.

Through data analysis and identification of critical issues in the current healthcare system, the project proposes the implementation of standardized protocols and the promotion of continuity of care pre and post-hospitalization.

The ultimate goal is to improve patients’ quality of life by reducing emergency room visits and promoting a more effective healthcare system centered on individual needs.


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How to Cite
Monti, M., Vescarelli, I. and Pennacchi, L. 2024. Improving patient care for psychiatric disorders in the territory of usl umbria 1. Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine. 7, 2 (Jun. 2024), 85-91. DOI:


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Il Sistema di Valutazione del Network delle Regioni online on:

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