qualitative study on the nursing approach to patients with psychoactive substance dependence in acute wards

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Federica Casti
Costantina Fadda
Shellsyn Giraldo
Giuseppe Zingaro
Mariangela Vacca
Roberta Rosmarino
Maria Raffaella Lucchetta
Maria Orsola Pisu
Cesar Ivan Aviles Gonzales




 This study examines the nursing approach toward patients diagnosed with psychoactive substance dependence in acute hospital wards.

While numerous studies in the literature focus on the roles and attitudes of doctors, psychologists, and other professionals, few address the nursing perspective.

Therefore, this work concentrates on how nurses approach patients suffering from substance dependencies, gathering their experiences, emotions, and stories through interviews.

The study’s aim is to identify the actual nursing approach to patients with psychoactive substance dependence in an operational reality where nurses are not specialized in this field.


The qualitative phenomenological method was used, developed through a semi-structured interview consisting of 13 open-ended questions and subsequent analysis with classification and triangulation.

The participants in the study are 15 nurses from the medicine and surgery departments of a Hospital Facility in the Sardinia region (Italy), who have assisted patients diagnosed with substance use disorders during their professional careers.

Participation in the project was voluntary; participants could withdraw from the study at any time.


A significant percentage of the sample examined exhibits stigmatization and discrimination in providing care to patients with psychoactive substance dependence.

Through this type of study, it was possible to achieve the set goal, i.e., to investigate the real nursing approach to patients with psychoactive substance dependence.

In response to the results obtained, models are suggested, such as that given by Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring, which demonstrates how practicing a holistic approach, based on empathy and active listening, can improve the relationship between nurse and patient.

The proposed study highlights the possibility of attending workshops or free online courses to embrace this theory.


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How to Cite
Casti, F., Fadda, C., Giraldo, S., Zingaro, G., Vacca, M., Rosmarino, R., Lucchetta, M.R., Pisu, M.O. and Gonzales, C.I.A. 2024. qualitative study on the nursing approach to patients with psychoactive substance dependence in acute wards. Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine. 7, 2 (Jun. 2024), 76-84. DOI:https://doi.org/10.30459/2024-13.


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