L' Intraosseous access in the intrahospital environment multicentre observational study on the perception of neurology nurses

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Antonello Carta
Alice La Pignola
Caterina Zardo


Background: Intraosseous access is a technique used in emergencies, in situations where the stabilisation of venous access is a difficult operation. Guidelines indicate that you should first attempt peripheral venous access to administer drugs, but in situations where this is difficult or time-consuming, intraosseous access can be seen as an alternative being a fast technique and with a high success rate.

Objective: The aim is to investigate the diffusion and perception of this technique in the operational units take into analysis and to understand the degree of preparation and experience of the nursing team by evaluating the interest in including it in their training.

Methods: For this observational study a multicenter survey was carried out comparing two different samples: the nursing team of the O.U. of Neurology of the Angelo Hospital of Mestre and that of the O.U. of Neurology A of the University Hospital of Coimbra. The administration of a self-assessment questionnaire verified whether the different context affected the management of emergencies and the team’s perception of intraosseous access.

Results: The results revealed how nurses in both operating units cope with emergency situations. It was found that few nurses had training in the use and handling of the different devices for venous access and it can be seen from the answers to the questionnaire that intraosseous access was never included in their post basic training.

Conclusions: The study has shown that nurses are poorly informed, but at the same time they are inclined to update. Multidisciplinary studies regarding the use of intraosseous access could contribute to its diffusion and consideration as a solution, in some situations, to peripheral venous access in intrahospital realities.


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How to Cite
Carta, A., La Pignola, A. and Zardo, C. 2024. L’ Intraosseous access in the intrahospital environment: multicentre observational study on the perception of neurology nurses. Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine. 7, 1 (Mar. 2024), 41-46. DOI:https://doi.org/10.30459/2024-5.


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