The blind eye of the mind: aphantasia

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Rosalba Spadafora
Antonio Bernabei


Aphantasia, a condition, of varying degrees, of limitation of the capacity for visual imagination, was so named by A. Zeman, Exeter University, who studied it and spread the notion. This paper reconstruct its history from the end of 19 th century to today, presents an available measurement method, and discusses the relationship with psychopatological disorders, concluding, as generally accepted, that aphantasia is not a psychopatological disorder, but an individual condition.


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How to Cite
Spadafora, R. and Bernabei, A. 2024. The blind eye of the mind: aphantasia. Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine. 7, 1 (Mar. 2024), 20-25. DOI:


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