The residence for the Issuance of Security Measures (REMS) in Sardinia qualitative study on the nursing role

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Cesar Ivan Aviles Gonzalez
Chiara Montisci
Paola Melis
Francesca Spina
M. Valeria Massidda
Maria Rita Pinna


Aim. This article intends to gather the current perspectives on what characterizes the nursing assistance aimed at the mentally ill offenders, investigating the past, experience and perception that professionals and healthcare assistants (OSS) have towards their work. Also having REMS a relatively recent history, and being present few studies that analyze the context, we intend to try to fill the cognitive gap that is reflected in the current bibliographic blank present in the Italian context.

Materials and methods. A qualitative analysis, based on phenomenology, was carried out using the semi-structured interview as an instrument. The data were subsequently analyzed and validated by transcription, coding, cataloging, interpretation and subsequent methodological triangulation.

Results. From the data collection it was possible to identify the following 5 thematic categories: training and preparation; motivations and emotional impact related to the role in the structure; factors that influence the role; interactions between figures of the Caring Team; role and interventions perceived. It emerged that there are no substantial differences between nurses and OSS and how the approach towards patients is based on care and rehabilitation.

Discussion and conclusions. At present there is no qualification as a psychiatric forensic nurse, although in different international situations he is trying to define it.

The care approach has changed compared to the past, in line with modern humanizing laws in force in psychiatry.


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How to Cite
Aviles Gonzalez, C.I., Montisci, C., Melis, P., Spina, F., Massidda, M.V. and Pinna, M.R. 2020. The residence for the Issuance of Security Measures (REMS) in Sardinia: qualitative study on the nursing role. Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine. 3, 1 (Mar. 2020), 40-50. DOI:


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