The Poisoning of San Tommaso d’Aquino

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Pier Paolo Visentin


The article discusses the use of fake news in literature, with a reference to Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.
In particular, we explore Dante's contribution to the spread of fake news regarding the poisoning of St. Thomas Aquinas.
The article analyzes the historical and cultural context in which Dante lived and the role of truth in communication. It is concluded that Dante used popular rumor as a literary device to affirm his political beliefs, but his accusation of poisoning St. Thomas Aquinas was judged false by historical criticism.

The article underlines the importance of considering the source of news and the use made of it, even in literature.


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How to Cite
Visentin, P.P. 2023. The Poisoning of San Tommaso d’Aquino. Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine. 6, 3 (Sep. 2023), 8-11. DOI:


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