The management of overcrowding in the emergency room analysis of the phenomenon and operational strategies

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Edoardo Paccamonti
Roberto Marchetti
Manuel Monti


Overcrowding in emergency rooms and in health facilities in general, especially in the winter months, is a problem that does not only concern our national but also international sphere.

A fundamental role in the management of patients in the Emergency Department is played by the triage approach and the triage nurse.

Triage has the task of redistributing waiting times in favor of those who are in actual need of urgent assistance and not of reducing waiting times.

For this reason, in this review the importance of Triage was highlighted, as a moment of contact with the patients together with the role of the nurse for the evaluation of patients, taking into account the available resources, evaluates the clinical conditions, the degree of and the risk before giving the priority code that allows access to the medical examination.

In this study we will make an assessment of the various types of triage approach and some solutions that can allow the reduction of overcrowding will be examined.


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How to Cite
Paccamonti, E., Marchetti, R. and Monti , M. 2023. The management of overcrowding in the emergency room: analysis of the phenomenon and operational strategies. Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine. 6, 2 (Jun. 2023), 35-39. DOI:


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